Álvaro Blancarte nació en Culiacán, Sinaloa, en 1934.
Estudió en el Taller de Artes Plásticas de la Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa (UAS), donde posteriormente fue maestro y director.
Realizó estudios en España, Inglaterra y Francia.
En 1970 fundó la Escuela de Artes y Oficios en la Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa.
Ha expuesto de manera individual en México, Estados Unidos, Inglaterra, Japón y Cuba.
En 1980 es seleccionado en el Salón Nacional de Artes Plásticas del Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes (INBA) y en la Bienal DINA (INBA) en 1981.
En 1989 obtuvo el primer lugar en la categoría de pintura en la VII Bienal Plástica de Baja California.
Entre su obra mural se destacan: América Unida por el Arte (Panamá - 1993), Medicina Azteca (Palestina – 1994), Orígenes (Tijuana – 1992), El Diálogo de los Coyotes (EUA – 1998).
Mexican, born 1934
Álvaro Blancarte's work has gone through different stages, always in the search for an expressive and expansive method. He is an explorer of his own technique, neo-fresco, named by Raquel Tibol, which allowed him to explore with hues, textures, and colors. The artist considers his painting is flesh, that first seduces by its materiality.
Vibrant colors and rigorous textures are the characteristic hallmark that distinguishes Blancarte's experimental plastic process, in his pictorial-sculptural discourse, he incorporates identity elements from his region (Baja California, North of Mexico) that he has adopted, producing Baja Californian work, in inspiration, manufacture and intention.
He uses canvas as a wall, to begin to constitute the architecture of the work that opens up and reveals the layers underneath, and its other dimensions, the artist has always been interested in the idea of painting as a surface where something exists underneath, alive and invisible, sometimes it can be dark, but needs to be explored.
Foundations are more of interest for the artist than appearance.
Time and matter, space and time are categories that form a unit in the artist's work, they lend to introspective reflection as to touch and sight; both sensory pathways drive the essence of the pictorial for Blancarte.
The artist has more than 65 exhibitis, individual and collective.
He is a member of the Planning Commission of the State Fund for Culture and the Arts of Baja California, Mexico. He was also awarded academic merit in the artistic area by the Autonomous University of Baja California.